
Academic Affairs Leadership/Governance

Undergraduate Coordinators Committee

The Undergraduate Coordinators' Committee was formed to bring together those individuals who are most knowledgeable and responsible for assisting faculty and students in the academic advising process.

The committee's members represent all the undergraduate colleges and schools as well as related academic support services. The committee deals with problems that arise in connection with any procedures or forms affecting students, from registration to recording grades. This includes issues dealing with the University's academic calendar, scheduling changes for courses and programs, financial aid and billing procedures.

The committee meets every three weeks and makes recommendations for changes to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.

Committee Members

McNichols Tenure and Promotion Committee

McNichols Tenure and Promotion Committee

Name Academic Unit 3-Yr Term Expiration


Term Max is 2 Terms
Gregory Grabowki  College of Engineering & Science 10/14/2024


Harold Green College of Liberal Arts & Education  10/14/2024 1st
Alexa Rihana* College of Engineering & Science 10/14/2025 2nd
Mary Serowosky College of Health Professions 10/14/2024 1st
Jill Turner** Libraries 10/14/2023 1st
Greg Ulferts College of Business Administration 10/14/2024 1st
Aloha Van Camp College of Liberal Arts & Education  10/14/2025 1st
Carmon V.N. Weeks  College of Health Professions 10/14/2025 2nd
Will Wittig*** School of Architecture & Community Development  10/14/2024 2nd

*Chair          **Completing Bowen's Term          ***Completing Fuch's Term

Guidelines for McNichols Tenure and Promotion Committee

Membership is defined in the UDMPU 2021-2026 Agreement: Article V, Section 5.9e (iii). Current membership is nine members: CES (2), CBA (1), CHP/MSON (2), CLAE (2), SOA (1), Library (1).

a. Tenured faculty, continuously employed clinical-track faculty members/library faculty members shall be elected by the faculty of each of the respective academic units. The number of the members from each academic unit to be elected to the tenure and promotion committee shall be computed as follows: one for every thirty (30) faculty members (or librarians) or fraction thereof, e.g. 1-30, 1 elected; 31-60, 2 elected; 61-90, 3 elected and provided, however, that a faculty member/library faculty member being considered for tenure/continuous employment/renewable contracts or promotion shall be ineligible to serve on this committee. In addition, no faculty member/library faculty may serve on the academic unit Tenure and Promotion Committee and the McNichols Tenure and Promotion Committee concurrently.

b. The members shall be elected for staggered three (3) year (October 15 to October 14) terms.

c. The committee shall elect a chairperson from the membership by a majority vote each year to serve a one (1) year term.

d. The Committee shall file a final report with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

e. The committee, in consultation with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, shall call its own meetings and establish its own operating rules.

f. All committee members shall sign confidentiality agreements.

Convening the Committee

The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) provides the past chair with a roster of members, start and end dates of their terms and contact information as per college/school/library elections by October 30.

  1. The first meeting of the McNichols Tenure and Promotion Committee should be convened by the immediate past chair no later than November 24th. The committee will then elect a Chairperson for a term of one year, October 16 - October 15. The Chairperson’s name will be forwarded to the Provost/VPAA in writing by the elected chair.
  2. The Committee will review and update operational procedures (e.g., frequency of meetings, times, location) as well as review periods and dates of formal meetings for candidate discussion and voting.

Roles and Responsibilities - use this link to complete confidentiality agree: 

 All Committee members must maintain confidentiality during the review process and following the completion of the process.

  • A confidentiality form will be distributed at the first meeting convened by the Provost/VPAA.
  • Each member is expected to carefully and thoughtfully review the submitted materials.
  • Each member sits as a member of the McNichols Tenure and Promotion Committee. Personal knowledge and/or bias concerning any candidate should not influence the member’s contribution, discussion or vote.
  • If a member feels they cannot objectively review and/or discuss a candidate, they should recuse themselves from the meeting and the vote.
  • Any materials forwarded to the Committee that are not part of the submitted dossier should not be considered, e.g., unsolicited letters, emails, telephone calls or other forms of contact.
  • Before making a final decision, the Provost/VPAA will meet with the Committee to discuss the decision and gain insights concerning disputed decisions.

Research Leaves

  1. The Committee will consider applications for Paid and Unpaid research leaves as the first order of business. Applications will be submitted to the McNichols Tenure and Promotion Committee through the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs by November 21.
  2. Applications for Paid and Unpaid Research Leaves will be made available electronically for committee review. The Chairperson will call for a formal vote on research leave applications when there is a quorum (majority) of elected committee members available to vote. The chairperson will submit a formal tabulation of the voting results to the Provost/VPAA by January 2nd.

Tenure, Promotion, and Continuous Employment

  1. The Office of the Provost/VPAA will provide the chairperson with a list of applications for Tenure and Promotion to consider for the academic year by January 15. The list will include date of hire, last promotion date, probationary year if applicable, and date of tenure if applicable, present rank/discipline, nature of application (promotion and tenure or continuous employment), and approvals or denials by previous levels of evaluation, including department/discipline, chair, college/school/library committee and dean. This form will be available to all committee members at the time of formal dossier review.
  2. The Office of Academic Affairs will identify a location for members to review all applicant dossiers and related materials. To maintain confidentiality, all applicant dossiers and related materials must remain in a space identified by the Office of Academic Affairs. Review may occur in between formal committee meetings as arranged with the Office of the Provost/VPAA.
  3. The committee will reconvene no later than February 24 to begin to consider applications for promotion and tenure.
  4. Meetings will be held as agreed upon in the conference room of the fifth floor of the Fisher Administration Center or comparable location depending on availability.
  5. Applicants and their submitted dossiers will be discussed at meetings and a formal vote will be taken when agreed to by the majority of the committee. Results of the Committee vote will be tabulated by the Chair at each meeting. When voting is completed, a letter will be drafted to the Provost/VPAA, outlining the salient points of the application and the results of the vote by the committee. This report and recommendation will be completed no later than March 1.

Commission for Women in the University

Mission Statement 

The Commission for Women in the University exists to promote a supportive, respectful and equitable environment for all women in the University community.


  • ASSESS current and future policies, procedures, and practices.
  • ADVOCATE for diverse peoples at all levels of the University.
  • ADVISE appropriate administrators, groups, and individuals in support of the CWU mission.
  • INSPIRE women to succeed, achieve and lead.
  • CELEBRATE the accomplishments of University women past, present and future.
  • CREATE positive change where necessary for the benefit of the entire University community.

Committee Members

Academic Integrity/Conduct

Allegation of Scientific/Scholarly Misconduct Inquiry Investigation Committee

Although the instances of verifiable scientific/scholarly misconduct have remained small in number, they have been highly publicized. This has, understandably, led to increased concern regarding this issue within the scientific community, academic institutions, federal agencies and the general public. As a result, federal agencies have mandated that those institutions engaged in federally funded research and related activities initiate formal policies and procedures for dealing with allegations of misconduct. University of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, therefore, developed the Policy and Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Scientific/Scholarly Misconduct. The Inquiry/Investigation Committee is an integral part of the procedures used by the University when allegations of scientific scholarly misconduct are made. The complete charge to this committee may be viewed under the above underlined policy and procedures document.

Meeting Schedule

This committee meets as needed.

Committee Members

The academic vice president shall appoint an Inquiry Committee within ten (10) working days of notification by the Misconduct Policy Officer that an investigation of an allegation of scientific/scholarly misconduct is warranted.