

Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

College of Business Administration

Introduction to Our College and Undergraduate Offerings

The College of Business Administration provides professional education in business and related fields recognizing the importance of a liberalizing education as a foundation for a career of continuing self-education. The student has the opportunity to select from a wide spectrum of liberal arts courses and other non-business courses. The College aims to instill in its students, through a personalized educational process, a sense of personal integrity, a high measure of intellectual curiosity, and a deep awareness of personal and social values in contemporary society, particularly in its urban setting.

Major Programs for Our Business Students

The College offers academic degree programs for students who wish to pursue a professional education in business and related disciplines. Classes are held at the McNichols Campus. Students may select areas of concentrations, minors and/or certificates to enhance their educational experience and career opportunities. The College offers both four-year BSBA and five-year BSBA/MBA programs.

The Accounting major prepares students for careers in the field of accounting, whereas the Business Administration major is designed to allow students to select an area of concentration. Students may choose up to two concentrations:

  • Accounting
  • Business Intelligence
  • Business Law
  • Decision Sciences
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Sports Management

Selecting an area of concentration is not required, and students may also select their business electives based on their personal objectives. For example, a student may select a course in Investments, eBusiness, Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Global Sustainable Development, Internet Marketing, or Sports Law. More information on concentrations is available here.

Minor and Certificate Programs for Our Business Students

Our students may consider minors or certificates offered at the University. Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ offers a variety of minor programs, including, but not limited to, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Actuarial Science, Economics, Sports Communication, Political Science or Digital Media Studies. A full list of minor programs is provided here.

Students may also obtain certificates in Languages and other specialized areas of studies. Qualified students may participate in the Honors Program. Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ offers a certificate in African American Studies. Students interested in pursuing our Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ identity more closely might consider the Catholic Studies Certificate or the Philosophy minor. Many options are available and students should discuss these with their academic advisor. Early planning and regular academic advising are essential. Minor and certificate programs each have their own course and credit requirements. Students need to keep their full four-year academic career in mind when selecting additions to their program.

CBA Offerings for Non-Business Students

The College offers a minor in Business for students majoring outside the College of Business Administration. This provides an in-depth introduction to business with 21 credits in accounting, business, and economics. See the Business Minor Program page.

Some classes are specifically designed for the non-business student, for example, BUS 1500 Introduction to Business and BUS 2900 Personal Finance. Non-business students may take any of the accounting and business courses that are offered as part of the Business minor or incorporated into other minors within the University as long as they meet the course prerequisites. For example, the Leadership, Actuarial Science, and Entrepreneurship minors are interdisciplinary minors which include business class options. Non-business students interested in other College of Business Administration courses should contact the office to discuss their interests.

Applying to the College of Business Administration

  • Freshman applicants
  • Transfer students
  • Transcripts
  • How to apply
  • International, post-degree, and other students

As a comprehensive urban institution, University of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ (Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ) enrolls students of all ages in classes. Students will be reviewed as either a "freshman" (no previous college experience), "transfer" (previous enrollment at a community college or four-year institution), "international" (non U.S. residents), or "post-degree" (for students who already hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university). Students enrolled at other colleges who wish to take Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ courses and transfer them back to their regular institution enroll as "guest" students.

Freshman Applicants

Freshman applicants with an overall high school cumulative GPA of 2.75 and a minimum score of 18 on the ACT (or equivalent on the SAT) may apply to the College of Business Administration. Qualifying freshmen are admitted directly into the College of Business Administration. Student applications are considered on an individual basis, including academic performance, ACT or SAT scores, activities and interests, and educational goals. Note that higher qualifications are required for admission to special programs, like our five-year BSBA/MBA program. Please refer to the five-year BSBA/MBA program page for specific information.

Transfer Students

The College of Business Administration welcomes students from other colleges and universities, and students transferring from other programs within Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ. The University provides some transfer guides online which equate courses from local colleges with those at Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ. Transfer students with at least 24 semester credit hours and have a 2.5 GPA and those with fewer hours will be evaluated as freshman applicants.


All students applying to the College must submit official transcripts to the Office of Admissions. New freshmen must submit official final high school transcripts and official transcripts from any college previously attended. Transfer applicants must have official transcripts sent from each college previously attended. Applicants may not disregard attendance at any institution. A single transcript which reflects coursework at two or more institutions is not adequate for admissions evaluation. High school transcripts are required of applicants who have earned less than 24 semester or 36 quarter hours of college credits.

How to Apply to Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ

A complete discussion of admission status can be found at Admission to the University. The online application is located in the Future Students tab accessible from the main website. For further information about Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ including procedures for submitting an Application for Admission, students should visit our main website, email requests to admissions@udmercy.edu or call the Office of Admissions at (800) 635-5020. People who prefer to write should send their request to:

Office of Admissions
University of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ
4001 W. McNichols Road
Detroit, MI 48221-3038

International, Post-Degree, and Other Students

International students (non-U.S.), post-degree students (earned a bachelor's or master's degree), those wishing to enroll in a limited number of credit classes, and guest students may apply. Students over the age of 23, who have not previously attended college have alternative application requirements. See Admission to the University.


AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

The College of Business Administration is fully accredited by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Organized in 1916, AACSB International is the premier accrediting agency for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs in business administration and accounting.

Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ's business program is one of the oldest AACSB accredited programs in the United States. In 2009, the program celebrated 60 years of accreditation by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ's business program is the only private program in Michigan with AACSB International accreditation.

Our Mission

The College of Business Administration prepares diverse students to serve business organizations and society with competence, compassion and conscience. Rooted in the Jesuit and Mercy traditions, the College champions academic excellence and good character by encouraging intellectual, spiritual, ethical, and social growth. We achieve this mission by:

  • Encouraging and expecting excellence from students, faculty, and staff in all we do;

  • Helping students to develop knowledge, analytical and critical thinking, and skills to compete in a dynamic global business environment;

  • Teaching students self-reflection, teamwork with diverse peoples, and responsible stewardship for the common good;

  • delivering quality teaching, research, and service to our University, our profession, and our community; and

  • Providing quality bachelor and master degree programs.

Center for Career & Professional Development

The College of Business Administration offers its undergraduates the option of participation in experiential education. Students work with the University's Center for Career & Professional Development. The co-operative education program provides graduates in the College of Business Administration with 8-12 months of professional experience prior to graduation. Students must have a minimum of 63 credit hours, a 2.5 GPA, and have successfully completed CEC 3000 before starting their first assignment. Students normally complete two co-op assignments with the option of a third. These assignments are approximately four months in length and begin at the start of each semester. By choosing either the alternating co-op track or the parallel co-op track, students have the opportunity to integrate the co-op experience into their academic program without delaying graduation. Under the alternating track program, students complete two semesters of courses and one semester of employment during the three semesters of the year (Fall, Winter, and Summer). Under the parallel track, students may have a part-time employment position and take courses part time concurrently.

Full-Time Placement

Students also work with the Center for Career & Professional Development to find employment upon graduation. The Center for Career & Professional Development offers training in resume writing and interview skills. Opportunities are available for students to meet with prospective employers. Students should register early with the Center for Career & Professional Development which includes an online resume. Their site keeps students informed about campus visits and other activities.

Student Responsibilities and CBA Academic Policies

Students in the College of Business Administration are responsible and accountable for knowledge of the requirements, policies and procedures set forth by the College. Administrators, advisors, and faculty are available to assist students by explaining the various requirements, policies and procedures for each program. However, the ultimate responsibility for compliance rests with the student.

The College of Business Administration has the policies which are delineated below. These are grouped into the following three categories: (1) Applying to the College of Business Administration, (2) Taking and planning your coursework, and (3) Graduation requirements. For policies that are not stated, refer to the University policies and procedures.

Taking and Planning Your Coursework

  • Academic advising
  • Academic integrity
  • Pass/fail grading
  • Directed studies courses
  • Service learning

Please see Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Academic Policies and Procedures for more information on: academic services; disability support services; grading system; repeating a class; incompletes; class standing; audit of classes; alumni audit; senior privilege to take graduate courses; testing, experiential learning, CLEP, DANTES, and military service credit; and taking classes elsewhere as a guest student.

Academic Advising

In the College of Business Administration, academic advising is an integral part of the learning process. The faculty and staff are committed to taking an active role in the education, well-being and personal development of the students. Professional advising is available throughout the year, and students are required to see an advisor prior to each registration.

Academic Integrity

As a Jesuit and Mercy institution, the College of Business Administration at University of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ strives to uphold the highest ethical standards. We expect students, no less than faculty, staff, and administrators, to behave in a professional, honest, and responsible manner. Violations of academic integrity weaken the quality of an educational institution and degrade the value of its degrees. The policy described herein applies to all students enrolled in the College of Business Administration (CBA) and other students taking CBA courses.


Cheating by acts of commission or omission is unacceptable. Misrepresentation in academic work includes but is not limited to:

  • Submitting the same paper, project, or presentation in more than one course without the explicit permission of the appropriate instructors.
  • Any form of plagiarism, especially failure to acknowledge ideas or language taken from others, and submitting work prepared by others.
  • Submitting research that misrepresents the way in which the work was completed.
  • Collaborating with others on projects expressly intended to be completed individually.
  • Copying, transmitting, or sharing examination materials without authorization of the instructor.
  • Deliberately making false accusations of academic misconduct against others.


Any member of the academic community may report an alleged violation of academic integrity in writing to the instructor of record for the course or the assistant dean for Academic Affairs. Students who are aware of violations of academic integrity are expected to report those violations immediately. A student who has questions about academic integrity is encouraged to seek guidance from his or her discipline coordinator or academic advisor.

Within seven days of becoming aware of the issue, the instructor will document the alleged violation, notify the assistant dean, notify the student of the accusation, and request a meeting with the student within the next seven days. The student in question will not be permitted to withdraw from the course unless the allegation is determined to be false. If the student chooses not to schedule a meeting or fails to attend a scheduled meeting, (s)he will be found to have violated the academic integrity policy. If, as a result of the meeting, the faculty member determines that a violation occurred, (s)he will impose an appropriate sanction, notify the assistant dean for Academic Affairs in writing, and provide a copy of the letter to the student. The student will have one week in which to appeal the decision to the assistant dean for Academic Affairs. The assistant dean for Academic Affairs will review the documentation, discuss the case with the parties involved, and make a recommendation to the dean for final adjudication. If it is determined that a violation of academic integrity has occurred, the incident will be documented in the student's permanent file. The College of Business Administration reserves the right to impose sanctions beyond those imposed within the course.


Penalties within a course for breaches of academic integrity may include, but are not limited to:

  • Written reprimand
  • Failure on an assignment
  • Reduction of final course grade
  • Failure of a course.

Other penalties for breaches of academic integrity may include, but are not limited to:

  • Written reprimand
  • Disqualification for academic honors and/or initiation into honor societies
  • Revocation of scholarships
  • Expulsion from the College and/or University.

Pass/Fail Grading

Students in the College of Business Administration who have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better may take a maximum of four courses or 12 hours of coursework on a Pass-Fail basis. Only one course may be taken per semester. These hours must be taken in courses which are not specifically required for the degree. A final grade of F is treated in the same manner as in those courses which are not taken pass-fail and counts in the GPA.

Directed Studies Courses

Directed studies courses are generally open only to undergraduate students who have achieved senior standing (95 or more earned credit hours) and have a 3.25 or higher cumulative grade point average. The directed studies course allows a student to work one-on-one with a faculty member for in-depth study in a particular area of expertise.

Service Learning

The College of Business Administration believes that service to the community is a most worthwhile endeavor of a business professional. Some business classes require service activities as part of the course requirements. In general, participation in community service is strongly encouraged and there are a number of opportunities for students to participate.

Visit the Academic Policies for further details on academic policies or inquire at the CBA office, CF 111.

Graduation Requirements

  • Required GPA
  • Timeline

Please see Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Academic Policies and Procedures for more information on: coursework, residency, graduating with honors, and applying for graduation.

Required GPA

A candidate is expected to attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all hours attempted and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the major classes. At least 50 percent of the business credit hours must be taken in the College of Business Administration at University of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ. The College reserves the right to add or delete course offerings and to redesign program.

Time Requirement

Students are expected to complete their degree program within 10 years. Note that financial aid guidelines are much more stringent.

Academic Recognition

Beta Gamma Sigma

Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, an international scholastic honor society for students in the field of business and management, is the highest international scholastic honor that a student in a school of business or management can achieve. Eligibility for membership in Beta Gamma Sigma places a student in a very select group and is conferred for a lifetime status. Beta Gamma Sigma chapters are chartered only in those schools of business and management accredited by AACSB International.

Beta Alpha Psi

Beta Alpha Psi is an honorary organization for Financial Information students and professionals. Membership is restricted to upper division students majoring in accounting or choosing a concentration in finance who have maintained a superior grade point average in the study of accounting and finance. This membership is one of the highest scholastic honors that accounting and finance students can attain. As the premier professional accounting and business information fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi recognizes academic excellence and complements members' formal education by providing interaction between students, faculty and professionals, and fosters lifelong growth, service and ethical conduct. Beta Alpha Psi chapters may be chartered only in those schools of business and management accredited by AACSB International.

Alpha Iota Delta

Alpha Iota Delta is the international scholastic honor society that confers distinction for academic excellence in the decision sciences and information systems. Membership is restricted to upper-division students who have compiled a superior academic record overall as well as in courses focusing on Decision Science and/or Information Systems. In addition to recognizing academic excellence, Alpha Iota Delta promotes the infusion of the functional and behavioral areas of administration with the tools, concepts, and methodologies of the decision sciences and information systems and promotes professional fellowship among students, faculty, and administrators who share a common interest in the development of decision sciences and information systems.

Global Jesuit Business Student Association

The purposes of the GJBSA Honor Society are to confer distinction for academic excellence upon students attending Jesuit business schools and to encourage their pursuit of lifelong education; to acknowledge and promote a spirit of community involvement among its members; to promote and encourage ethical and socially responsible business practices among its members and in the global business community; and to act as a catalyst for the advancement of business thought and theory.

Contact Information

University of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ
College of Business Administration
4001 W. McNichols Road
Detroit, MI 48221-3038

Telephone: (313) 993-1202
Fax: (313) 993-1673
Location: Commerce & Finance, CF 112, McNichols Campus

Admissions Office
Location: Fisher Administration Building, FAC 110
Email: admissions@udmercy.edu
Telephone: (313) 993-1245 or (800) 635-5020

Dean: Dr. Joseph G. Eisenhauer

Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs: Dr. Leonard Kloft

Director of Undergraduate Business Programs: Mr. Evan Peterson

Director of Graduate Business Programs: Dr. Omid Sabbaghi

Coordinator of Student Services:  Ms. Carrol Parris

Office Manager: Ms. Wendy Marshall