Request SAS Services

To request disability accommodations FOR THE FIRST TIME from the UDM Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS), please follow the steps below. 

It is recommended that students begin the Accommodation Request process at least four weeks in advance so a decision of approval or denial can be determined before the upcoming semester begins. Accommodations will not be applied retroactively. 

SEMESTER REQUESTS ONLY: For students who have approved SAS accommodations and need to submit a Semester Request to utilize their approved accommodations for an upcoming term, refer instead to the Semester Request instructions.

Accommodation Request Process

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    Step 1: Complete the online Accommodation Request Form

    Students with a need for accommodations must first self-identify with the Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS).

    New or currently enrolled students who are requesting accommodations for the first time at Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ must complete and submit the online

    The student will be contacted within five business days of when the SAS receives their online Accommodation Request Form. 

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    Step 2: The Disability Verification Form

    The DISABILITY VERIFICATION FORM, (DVF) will be sent to the student from the SAS office when Step One is completed. The DVF must be completed by the student (Page one only) and the student’s medical professional (Pages 2-5). Documentation from a licensed medical professional who is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of the student’s disability is required to confirm and clarify a student’s functional limitations.

    Eligibility for accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, are based on the existence of a physical or mental condition that substantially impacts academic and campus life. The documentation must include both the evidence of a disorder and indicate relevant functional limitations to a major life activity such as reading, writing, walking, seeing, and caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, eating, speaking, breathing, hearing, learning, concentrating, thinking, and communicating. Documentation with only a diagnosis but without a clear written report that addresses a student’s functional limitations is not sufficient to make an appropriate accommodation plan.

    Other forms or documentation supporting a disability may be required, depending on the type of accommodation requested. Any documentation describing accommodations received in prior settings is recommended and should be downloaded into the students file on the Accommodate site.

    In addition to the Disability Verification Form the SAS welcomes additional documentation that the student chooses to submit that supports their accommodation request. 

    Examples of Additional Disability-related Documentation:

    • Educational records, such as a high school accommodation plan (IEP, 504 plan, etc.)
    • Medical records
    • Letter from healthcare professional, on letterhead, which confirms a diagnosis/impact of the disability
    • Neuropsychological or educational evaluation
    • Audiology report
    • Vision assessment

    How to Submit Documentation to the SAS:

    • Download documents here: . 
    • Bringing it to our office in the McNichols Campus Library, Room 319 (in the Student Success Center)
    • Emailing it to
    • Faxing it to 313-578-0342

    Confidentiality: The Office of Student Accessibility Services is committed to protecting the confidentiality of our students and their records. Student records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

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    Step 3: The Accommodation Request Meeting with SAS

    Once all forms and documents are received, SAS will contact the student within 5 business days to schedule an Accommodation Request Meeting, as part of the interactive process. During this meeting, we will have a two-way conversation about the disability and its impact in the academic setting and in daily living. It is a time when SAS will become familiar with the student’s individual disability-related needs and when any questions can be asked about the process and how accommodations are implemented in classes and other campus environments.

    The SAS office is always open to questions at any time during this process and can be reached at or call (313) 993-1158 or 1938. See the UDM SAS website page for detailed information.

    Without adequate notice, SAS cannot ensure the approved accommodation will be in place when needed. Accommodations will not be applied retroactively.

     It is very important for students to self-advocate. It is the student’s responsibility to advise the SAS if needs are not being met and/or further adjustments need to be considered.

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    Step 4: After the determination

    SAS will complete the review process within seven business days after all information has been received. SAS will notify the student in writing of the approval or denial of the requested accommodations along with the details of that decision within seven business days.

    An Access Specialist will communicate via email the procedures related to the accommodations and to answer any further questions within seven business days of the SAS Coordinator sending out an official notification of accommodations.  The Access Specialist will provide ongoing support with any accommodation as needed. Students can contact Access Specialist Lauri Moore at or 313-993-1938.

    In the case of a denial for accommodations, the Student Success Center (SSC) Director will discuss with the student if an effective alternative accommodation is reasonable and appropriate. If there are no alternative accommodations, SAS will provide appropriate referrals to the Student Success Center and/or other support offices on campus to determine alternative strategies to meet the student's needs. Students can contact Felicia Hartinger at or 313-993-1143.

    SAS will officially notify the professors of the students choice, or any other individuals involved in the implementation of one or more of your accommodations. Students will always be copied or otherwise have access to those notifications.

    SAS staff is always available at to answer any on-going questions or concerns. Students will receive a reply by the next business day.


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    Step 5: Discuss your accommodations with each of your professors

    All students disability information is CONFIDENTIAL. Like any other personal information, students have the right to discuss anything with anyone. However, the students will never need to discuss the details of their disability with anyone other than the SAS staff.

    It is the students responsibility to schedule an appointment to meet with each instructor in the first week of classes to confirm their accommodation plan and to determine how it will be used in their class.

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    Step 6: Semester Request: Request your accommodations each semester

    Students who have been approved for accommodations at Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, must remember to submit a Semester Request each term. See the Semester Request process page for instructions.
